Browsing Exports

Find and re-use exports created by other users and humanitarian organizations.


If you're mapping as part of a humanitarian effort, it's possible that someone has already created an export relevant to your project. Browsing and downloading exports doesn't require a user account.

Exports List

  1. Search Box: Enter a query that will be matched against the Name, Description or Project of an export.
  2. Only my Exports: If you're logged in, display only exports created by you.

Export Details

Left Panel: Export Details. Shows the date of creation, user who created the export, and the feature selection.

Center Panel: Export Runs. Each "Run" of the export is associated with a list of file downloads, one for each export file format.

Re-running an Export

“Re-running” an export lets you extract data using the same settings of the area, description, file formats and feature selection. This function is generally used to obtain updated OSM data, including any added or modified information since the export was last run. This is important to ensure that the information is current as OSM is constantly changing. You will need to authenticate with an account to re-run an export.

Cloning an Export

"Cloning" an export lets you create a new export based on an existing one, possibly using the same area, description or feature selection, with the capability to modify each setting to suit your needs. For more details on the Create Export form, see the documentation : Quick Start.