Hurricane Maria | 2017 - Puerto Rico 8 (Florida and Manati)
Description:Puerto Rico was hit by Hurricane Maria (Category 5) on 20 September after hitting Dominica severely. The American Red Cross has requested building data generation for planning and conducting relief operations on the island. We are mapping from pre-event imagery to give them an operating picture of the island before the hurricane made impact.
Area:681 sq km
Created at:Wednesday, October 11th 2017, 9:25 pm
Created by:Verdy_p
All OSM Data:No
Export formats:
  • Shapefile .shp
  • GeoPackage .gpkg
  • Garmin .img
  • Google Earth .kml
  • OSM .pbf
  • OsmAnd .obf
  • MBTiles .mbtiles
  • POSM bundle
5 km