2017 South Asian Floods | Hatiya and Companigan (Bangladesh)
Description:The Forecast-based Financing (FbF) project in Bangladesh intends to support the vulnerable people of Noakhali district exposed to Cyclones. Recently due to cyclone induced inundation and strong winds, two communities, Hatiya and Companiganj have been supported with a cash transfer programme. This early action was activated based on forecast information, in order to support families in a timely manner to conduct mitigation and preparedness actions to minimize risks due to their vulnerability and exposure to cyclones. Exposure data is still a challenge, as existing maps do not show clearly show where the households are located, therefore having a OSM map of the existing communities, will help us to analyze the extend of the affectation for evaluation purposes, but will also help us to upgrade the FbF mechanism for future potential activations, this will allow us to prioritize in a more effective way the most exposed and vulnerable households.
Area:4461 sq km
Created at:Monday, October 16th 2017, 4:49 am
Created by:Verdy_p
All OSM Data:No
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10 km